These stories portray a strong lead female character.
Book 1 of the Brigit Markz Trilogy Brigit is a pillar of the community, a lead teacher, and an elder. What she knows and understands, she freely passes on to others as she instructs them, is a variety of duties and responsibilities. She was not fully prepared for the wonderment and allure of the collection. The travel and excitement of this new place pulled her in, and the catalyst of it all was her best friend Serena, who died a few days before she departed for her first collection.
PURCHASEWith the inception and construction of the colony ships, humanity is spreading out to the stars. The first colony is destined for Proxima Centauri, a mere four lightyears, or 30 years of travel time. The stasis tubes ensure the occupants will sleep during this travel and wake up in time to see their new home, land, and build a colony. Most of the three ships make it to their new home as scheduled, but the third ship, COLONY 3, is missing. Somewhere in the universe, they are off course, or worse. There are factions in their new space who want nothing more than destroy them; how will they survive?
PURCHASEBook 2 of the Brigit Markz Trilogy A few years have passed, and Brigit has settled nicely into the universe. She misses her family and the other members of the settlement, but soon Ramona will be on the collection, which is good. A military department is assigned with creating a very high-resolution map of the Earth and is about to map the community's location. That could destroy the lives of nearly 500 members of the settlement and disrupt the existence of everyone in and outside of the community. Brigit's first husband, Brad, who was killed in a bear attack, returns to tell her about the mapping and the security of the Hill Life community. Do they protect the community from those in the universe or allow the community to join the universe and learn about life outside the Hill Life community?
PURCHASEBook 3 of the Brigit Markz Trilogy Several decades have passed and friends have moved on, other have been born and joined the team under the guidance of General Virginia Rolf. Brigit felt as though she contributed very little to humanity, but her friends set her straight. It was her direct intervention that allowed humanity to enter into their future, to become more than they could have ever imagined. Are they still homo sapiens, or are they something more?
If there were a sub-sub-title, it would be 'This Time, It's up to Vlad to Save the World' Thanks to their great-grandparents, Vlad and Victoria learn how to manipulate time. With the help of unborn people, they create and develop a plan and policy for temporal displacement and historical research. Additionally, with the ozone layer flittering away, they designed an underwater place to be the new home for all paper books on the planet, one of each. With Victoria's help and the aid of a few friends. Vlad saves the future. You will find familiar friends and situations if you have already read the 7-Part Archive Series. If you have not read the Archive series, you may be a tad lost at first, but you will get over it before you finish this Novella. PURCHASE
A thru-hike is a very long-distance hike. For example, the Appalachian Trail runs from Georgia to Maine to the tune of about 2,100 miles. Starting at one end and walking to the other is called a Thru-Hike. So, doesn’t it make sense to use hikers to perform a planetary survey on a new planet? The hikers can survey, inspect, learn, and report what they find — contracted for one planetary year. They experience something new, something extraordinary. The result is an insight into this new world and the ability to quickly create a viable colony while allowing the planet to flourish. While hiking, some of the contracted hikers develop new skills, and these advanced or enhanced, humans become a part of this new world, and the world has become a part of them. They have a connection to the planet, the creatures. It is not this group who needs to be watched, but it is their children, for they are the future of humanity.