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Has a Covert CIA OP gone bad? Memories, extracted and missing half a century, return and create nightmares and chaos. Finally coming to terms with the events, after the realization of surviving a devastating explosion, and loss of close friends. Find out the full story. Pick up your copy of AMMO today.


Book 1 of the Brigit Markz Trilogy   Brigit is a pillar of the community, a lead teacher, and an elder. What she knows and understands, she freely passes on to others as she instructs them, is a variety of duties and responsibilities. She was not fully prepared for the wonderment and allure of the collection. The travel and excitement of this new place pulled her in, and the catalyst of it all was her best friend Serena, who died a few days before she departed for her first collection.


Here are a few thoughts on carrying food into the woods. Preparation, cooking, ideas, and thoughts; a little about bears and raccoons. So, how do you carry your meals, and how do you elevate your basic and boring food to cuisine?


This is designed for use when you need to bug out or provide guidance if you are in the wilderness, alone, and in need of assistance, help, or rescue. It is also a great resource for those new to survival, camping, and backpacking. Read through it a couple of times, so when you need it, the information is there at the front of your mind.


With the inception and construction of the colony ships, humanity is spreading out to the stars. The first colony is destined for Proxima Centauri, a mere four lightyears, or 30 years of travel time. The stasis tubes ensure the occupants will sleep during this travel and wake up in time to see their new home, land, and build a colony. Most of the three ships make it to their new home as scheduled, but the third ship, COLONY 3, is missing. Somewhere in the universe, they are off course, or worse. There are factions in their new space who want nothing more than destroy them; how will they survive?


Book 2 of the Brigit Markz Trilogy  A few years have passed, and Brigit has settled nicely into the universe. She misses her family and the other members of the settlement, but soon Ramona will be on the collection, which is good. A military department is assigned with creating a very high-resolution map of the Earth and is about to map the community's location. That could destroy the lives of nearly 500 members of the settlement and disrupt the existence of everyone in and outside of the community. Brigit's first husband, Brad, who was killed in a bear attack, returns to tell her about the mapping and the security of the Hill Life community. Do they protect the community from those in the universe or allow the community to join the universe and learn about life outside the Hill Life community?


For the new hiker, packing for the thru-hike or section hike can be daunting. This is a fast read on the items that are needed (the essentials) and those considered extra (luxury items). We cover specifics of all items in your pack, where in your pack these items need to reside, and why.


Book 3 of the Brigit Markz Trilogy  Several decades have passed and friends have moved on, other have been born and joined the team under the guidance of General Virginia Rolf. Brigit felt as though she contributed very little to humanity, but her friends set her straight. It was her direct intervention that allowed humanity to enter into their future, to become more than they could have ever imagined. Are they still homo sapiens, or are they something more?


Camping and enjoying camping should be the same thing. However, when you start to camp, you may not know certain things to make the experience more enjoyable. This book reviews camping techniques, ideas, methods and puts into perspective the do’s and don’ts of camping and allows you to have a blast learning it. Nearly 100 pages of instruction and information, and chock full of cooking tips. Cooking in the home, at the campsite, and yes, even on the backpacking trail to help build your confidence. After all, you do need to eat, and eating well will always make a cloudy day a lot sunnier! Pick this up for yourself if you want to learn camping and cooking in the woods, or better yet, pick up one for you and one for a friend you want to bring along. Camping is always better when the experience is shared!


Seriously, the hardest thing for someone to teach a new Scout when cooking is a stove, or the fire, or on charcoal for that matter is that there are a lot more levels of heat than OFF and MAX. Cooking over low or medium heat is better and safer for the meal in some respects than cooking on a blast furnace. It saves propane too! Plan for the extra time, you will be rewarded when you eat. Don’t get me wrong, there are times that a blazing hot surface is what is needed; the steak to get that perfect seer for example. So pick this up and bring it to your next troop meeting. Let the Scouts look it over and see if there is anything they would like to try out for the first time. You, AND THEY, will be surprised as to how easy and how good some of these recipes really are, especially in the woods!!


This is designed to aid a new backpacker in creating a tasty menu on the trail. Foods should require no refrigeration, their weight needs to be minimal, and they should bring big flavor. This book is more of a guide for the new backpacker, it is not a recipe collection because we all eat different, like different things, and our budgets span a rather large range. Personal cooking, is, well, personal. There are things you can eat every day that others may not want once. But personal cooking in the woods, on a trail for a week, needs to be nutritious, tasty, unique, and easy. It also needs to have minimal cleanup. So, hike the trail with me to learn the skill - or formula -  of personal backcountry cooking, and discover the creativity within yourself to be a five-star trail chef, at least in your own mind.


Getting published can be a new world for some, here are a few tips and tricks I have learned over the years. The world of publishing is a very difficult one to break into if you are looking for a publisher in the traditional sense; but if you plan to "self-publish" there is an array of things you need to know in advance, or better yet, my experiences may just avoid the processes costing you money to learn a hard lesson. -----> I paid my dues, and you get the benefit!


Have you had random thoughts after reading social media? Most people do and never talk about those thoughts. They simply have those thoughts, agree with themselves that they are correct, and move on; never having brought those thoughts into the public consciences. Well, here is your opportunity to listen to my mind! Walk with me as I have a variety i=of individual thoughts, on unique or horribly opposing topics, and rationalize my way through them. Is it weird? Not really. Is it interesting? Definitely!! Meet you in my head!


Welcome to Amateur Radio! It is obviously an interest that you have, but you need to know more about it before you dive in, here's your chance. Between these covers is information that can help you decide if this is a hobby you can enjoy. Can you have fun in radio? YES! Can you learn new things? YES! Can you help during a disaster? YES! The answers to your questions await, Let's go over them together.


For the past three decades, Chris Cancilla has been putting his thoughts on paper. For fun, for controversy, and education. Collected in this book are a selection of stories, longer and not so long, that allow you to peer into the mind of this very interesting author. Give the collection a chance, read it in order, your order. It makes no difference as each chapter is a unique story or topic. but above all, have fun reading.