With the inception and construction of the colony ships, humanity is spreading out to the stars. The first colony is destined for Proxima Centauri, a mere four lightyears, or 30 years of travel time.
The stasis tubes ensure the occupants will sleep during this travel and wake up in time to see their new home, land, and build a colony.
Most of the three ships make it to their new home as scheduled, but the third ship, COLONY 3, is missing.
Somewhere in the universe, they are off course, or worse.
There are factions in their new space who want nothing more than destroy them; how will they survive?
With the inception and construction of the colony ships, humanity is spreading out to the stars. The first colony is destined for Proxima Centauri, a mere four lightyears, or 30 years of travel time.
The stasis tubes ensure the occupants will sleep during this travel and wake up in time to see their new home, land, and build a colony.
Most of the three ships make it to their new home as scheduled, but the third ship, COLONY 3, is missing.
Somewhere in the universe, they are off course, or worse.
There are factions in their new space who want nothing more than destroy them; how will they survive?
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