Terra Nova: Beginnings
The series ended prematurely, I had a problem with that so I fixed it by writing the next episode that spans many years in the life of the colony. Marriage, birth, death, friends become enemies and enemies become friends.
The series ended prematurely, I had a problem with that so I fixed it by writing the next episode that spans many years in the life of the colony. Marriage, birth, death, friends become enemies and enemies become friends.
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The life of a planetary bus driver can be mundane, repetitious, sedate, and of course unique, interesting, exciting and spontaneous. Driving your whale around the planet picking people up and dropping them off is a lot of fun, sure. But at the same time, it is good to get a break in the monotonous time you call your day. So, when Walt was asked to take a charter trip for a few days, he jumped all over it, and knowing he had a good friend to ride shotgun, he felt like it would be a good thing for him and Biff. Plus, you get double pay and less work time so he could be home more after the trip was over. No could ever imagine what was about to happen, Walt met up with new powerful people and they became friends. He did mention the time he saved the lives of everyone on the bus.
PURCHASEBook 3 of the 7-Part Series. In several places on the Earth, the orbital facilities, the Lunar Colonies, and the far-reaching corners of the human-populated universe, Christianity is beginning to grow and spread. The world government is concerned it may overshadow their power, or their ability to lead the people into their vision of what the future needs to look like. Benjamin is tasked to determine the threat level of this new group and he and his team of one is sent back to a place where the movement begins. Is this movement mind-altering or simple brainwashing? Do Christians want to control everything? Is there a reason to fear Christians or all religions in general? This is what he is tasked to learn, and fix, if necessary. On the way, he discovers a unique reality and brings that information back to his boss at Archive Island, in the form of a very interesting, honest, and convincing report. Enveloped within this decision are his new wife and his best friend throughout all of the time. Come and be with him as he explores his heart and his mind. The scientist needs to understand the definition of faith, and faith can be elusive.
PURCHASEEASTER Skit for the Children's Ministry of a church I attended in Prattville, AL. Humorous and unique. Feel free to use and modify, please let me know you used it and how it went over with your church!! THIS IS FREE and NO COPYRIGHT IMPOSED. Use as you see fit!
The TV Series ended abruptly and I hate when a loop is not closed. Here is the next episode in the series and and maybe a little beyond.
Crossing over from Cub Scouts to ScoutingBSA is a big change, but then the new Scout gets to experience SUMMER CAMP!! In these pages is enough information for the average parent to understand what is needed, what is expected, and what to bring with you.
PURCHASESeriously, the hardest thing for someone to teach a new Scout when cooking is a stove, or the fire, or on charcoal for that matter is that there are a lot more levels of heat than OFF and MAX. Cooking over low or medium heat is better and safer for the meal in some respects than cooking on a blast furnace. It saves propane too! Plan for the extra time, you will be rewarded when you eat. Don’t get me wrong, there are times that a blazing hot surface is what is needed; the steak to get that perfect seer for example. So pick this up and bring it to your next troop meeting. Let the Scouts look it over and see if there is anything they would like to try out for the first time. You, AND THEY, will be surprised as to how easy and how good some of these recipes really are, especially in the woods!!
PURCHASEGetting published can be a new world for some, here are a few tips and tricks I have learned over the years. The world of publishing is a very difficult one to break into if you are looking for a publisher in the traditional sense; but if you plan to "self-publish" there is an array of things you need to know in advance, or better yet, my experiences may just avoid the processes costing you money to learn a hard lesson. -----> I paid my dues, and you get the benefit!
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PURCHASEBook 3 of the Brigit Markz Trilogy Several decades have passed and friends have moved on, other have been born and joined the team under the guidance of General Virginia Rolf. Brigit felt as though she contributed very little to humanity, but her friends set her straight. It was her direct intervention that allowed humanity to enter into their future, to become more than they could have ever imagined. Are they still homo sapiens, or are they something more?
PURCHASEBook 1 of the 7-Part Series Benjamin Jensen is a temporal researcher, a good one. His career started out rough when he nearly destroyed all of history or lost the love of his life in a tragic accident that could have been prevented by him later in his career, but things have a way of working out. His favorite flight home is on the drop-ship from low Earth orbit, and he tries as hard as he can to get anyone to join him, but his real passion is for historical events…. or more precisely the events surrounding him, and leading up to, the actual event in focus. Join Benjamin Jensen and his classmates as they discover what it means to be a Temporal Researcher. Discover the dangers and rewards this life could offer, in this adventure of historical importance.